Thursday, July 29, 2010

My premiere blog post!

Well, hello there. If you're reading this, you probably already know me. I hope you enjoy learning even more about me than you already do. Welcome to friends, new and old.

So....blogging. I had another blog once upon a time. It's probably still out there, come to think of it, but even I wouldn't know how to find it now. I wrote a few posts but what I determined (other than the fact that I had no time or motivation to continue on a regular basis) is that I am not a writer. Sure, I can put together a few sentences in a coherent manner, but it's not my calling. Also, I found myself writing about my kids and about parenting, and there are lots of others out there who do that, and many of them do it better than I ever could. So my blog is NOT going to be a whole lot of writing. This will likely be my longest post.

So what is it going to be? Photos of stuff I like, things I see in my everyday life. I'm a decent photographer, but I'd like to be better, so there's that. Also, I listen to some spectacular music, watch some fabulous (and some truly awful) movies, and read some great (and some not-so-great) books. Occasionally I engage in craftiness. I like to share those things with others.

I guess this is my own grown-up version of show-and-tell....but one where only I get to stand up to show and tell my things.

Show-and-tell starts tomorrow. See you then.