Thursday, September 2, 2010

I [heart] Public Radio

When discussing public radio, as a Canadian one must start with our national broadcaster, CBC. I'm a huge proponent of the CBC. Relevant news, interesting music, fascinating programs.

Retro CBC logo.

 Listen to CBC Radio online here.

Some of the shows I like to listen to:
-Definitely Not The Opera
-The Main Ingredient (all about food!)
-Vinyl Café
-As It Happens

Also, for the last couple of years I've been listening to The Current, which is the music station broadcast by Minnesota Public Radio. I don't remember how I first heard about this station, I think perhaps I read about it in a magazine, possibly Utne Reader? The source is neither here nor there; the fact is, I LOVE this station. They play a fabulous selection of eclectic, appealing, non-mainstream music that you rarely hear elsewhere. You can listen online here.

I know there are public radio gems elsewhere out there. I haven't delved much into any NPR stations/programs as of yet, for instance. Any suggestions?


  1. Try "This American Life" and "Car Talk" - yes, it's a car repair call-in show, but it's funny as hell.
